Joyce Owino, Geofrey Bisera, Sheila Nafuna, Nancy Robi


Introduction: An extensive literature review revealed that health care providers feel inadequate in providing care in a foreign cultural environment. This deficiency creates a problem in providing safe patient-centered care. The paper interrogates the application of cultural competence and its importance in provision of care to patients of diverse populations and the need for health care systems and providers to adapt to new cultural directions and skills, in order to effectively attend to patients’ diverse views, values, and behaviors concerning health practices,


Methods: Data from literature were organized using an annotated bibliography and content analyzed.


Findings: The study revealed that cultural competence is not an event but a process. Hospitals and care systems must prepare their staff to interact with clients of diverse backgrounds for competent care.


Conclusion: Cultural competence should be integrated into nursing teaching curriculum. Further research to gauge health outcomes as a result of culture competence is recommended.


Culture, cultural awareness, cultural diversity, cultural intelligence, cross-cultural management, cultural competence

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